My Dear Doctors , Nurses , Practice Managers and Allied health workers, One of my very wise older GP once said to me , many years ago, “” the greatest asset of any country is its healthy population” How true was that , as played out in this Covid 19 chaos.

However, on the positive side, we can now fully appreciate our greater asset , a dedicated healthcare team and system with our GP’s , at the forefront. As supporting general practice, is my expertise and business, this is the group of doctors I live and breathe daily. I’ve been dealing with many of these dedicated doctors , their supportive staff and personally thank them for their extreme efforts and optimism in these very challenging times.

This Pandemic will not last forever , as history has taught us; there will be an ending and a new beginning. One significant positive outcomes brought about by this pandemic. is that the Government and population have developed a much greater respect and admiration for our doctors and health care workers . Hey! Let’s not be too negative as every lesson has a price but every price paid does give some reward! Be strong ! Be safe ! Keep the dream alive ! If you have any concerns about your practice or work and need to discuss anything, don’t hesitate to call me anytime on 1416132366 .