With over 41 years experience, Babich Medicos is the leading medical recruitment and brokerage agency dealing exclusively with the medical profession. We pride ourselves for being trusted partners with medical professionals that we assist in placement as well as providing unbiased, honest and insightful advice to our brokerage clients.
Babich Medicos has a solid proven track record and can provide outstanding service to all clients, whether they require our recruitment, medical centre brokerage or valuation services.
Chris Babich, the principal and director of Australia Babich Medicos Pty Ltd referred to over many years as “Babich Medicos”, has been in the industry since 1981. Over this 41 year period, he has had extensive experience in recruiting and placing doctors in locum as well as permanent position throughout NSW, ACT and other States.
"He has places doctors in metropolitan, rural GP locum and permanent positions. Standard full and part time work , including locums, through Sydney , NSW , Canberra, and other states including high end GPED interesting positions such as Cobber Pedy and Streaky Bay in South Australia”.
Chris has written articles in Australian Doctor on the business aspects of valuing, buying and selling medical practices. He is regularly invited to lecture to G.P. Training Consortium and various G.P. Divisions throughout NSW.
He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Business Brokers as well as a registered business valuer (RBV) with the A.I.B.B. and specialises exclusively in the Sales and Valuation of Medical Practices.
Chris is often selected as Single Expert in Family Law Valuations under Division 15.5.2 of the Family Law Act by various Family Law Solicitors.
We provide the best service, well informed and honest advice. Our doctors are the best and we look after the principal and locum doctors alike, taking care of all their work needs.
In fact, over the years a number of our past principals have become our locums and our past locums have become our principals. Many of our locum doctors have been working with us much longer than many of the opposing agencies have been established.
In the marketing and sales of practices, we advise and guide our principals and practice buyers to achieve their succession and career objectives, respectively.
Our valuations are impartial, comprehensive and reflect market expectation.
Regulating Australia's health practitioners in partnership with the National Boards.